My Digital Workflow For Sci And Dev QYQ

My Digital Workflow for Science and Development

As an Astrophysics PhD candidate, study and writing code are the biggest two parts of my life. My workflow satisfies my daily needs, i.e., writing paper and coding, and all of these can be done in a single software, NeoVim. For writing scientific papers, we are used to LaTex, and I choose the combination of NeoVim + VimTex + UltiSnips + Skim as my editor, which is really AMAZING! On the other hand, as an SDE, NeoVim + Tmux let the code fly.

Science: Vimtex + UltiSnips + Skim

This combination makes NeoVim the fastest LaTex editor on macOS. Inspired by How I’m able to take notes in mathematics lectures using LaTex and Vim and mainly referred this blog for issues during the installation and test.

I found most of the tutorials online are incomplete or full of holes, I spent tow days to make this work.

If you use macOS, throw away Vim and install NeoVim or MacVim

After a tons of trying, I figured out it is impossible to use Vim to implement inverse search with Skim(Zathura or whatever PDF viewer). The best solution is shifting to NeoVim or MacVim, but I’d recommend NeoVim.

Hereafter assumes using macOS and NeoVim